Julia has a feature where you can report bugs and crashes from
the command line. You just run your program with
julia --bug-report=rr
, and it sends a crash report plus an
trace of the process to our servers for us to take a
look at.
Sometimes we get some crazy stuff. This is in fact not the first
time that someone from the Julia team has found something crazy in a
crash dump. Keno Fischer wrote a similar (and substantially more
detailed) article here,
where he used rr
to debug a process where the issue turned
out to be faulty memory.
Where Keno visually detailed how he found the bug, I'm just going to rant from memory. I should have kept better records. Oh well. Live and learn.
Julia is a garbage collected language, written mostly written in itself, but partially in C and C++. The bug manifested as a random crash in function dispatch inside the interpreter, which is also written in Julia. The function dispatch code is well tested. When the interpreter crashes, it's generally the case that there was already memory corruption.
We contacted the user, and we asked them for the source code of the program that produced the crash and all the data they used to run it. Graciously, they were able to provide it.
debugging is glorious, in all its forms.
Usually, my preferred method of debugging is
debugging. It's great. It's simple. It catches
most things. However, not this time. This crash was random, and hard to
reproduce. I tried to reproduce it, but could never reproduce it
exactly. So, I was forced to take the "midwit" approach and try to
figure it out using rr
Memory corruption bugs generally suck to find. When you're
writing C, you can usually just compile with
. Address Sanitizer will tell you when
you overwrite memory that shouldn't be impossible to assign to within
the usual confines of C or C++. Unfortunately, the Julia runtime doesn't
support being compiled with asan because it depends on third party
binaries that were not compiled with asan. This means that when
our binary reaches into memory allocated for variables in those
libraries, asan will throw a false positive and crash. When one part of
the process is compiled with asan, it all must be.
Without asan as a crutch, I decided to do as my forebears did and guessed.
I loaded up rr
, typed bt full
, and...
even after a while of gawking at it, this stack trace doesn't make any
sense. The stack trace very clearly doesn't follow the control flow of
the source code. Why? How is that possible?
Dispatch in Julia is dynamic. From where the crash happened, my initial guess was that either a C function pointer or Julia object was written on top of another. But... how? And where?
Reading through the backtrace, I found that the process crashed
after a jl_call()
to abstract_invoke()
. That
rules out that a C function pointer is the culprit. We're looking for a
Julia object written on top of another.
I was still new to the Julia codebase at this point, so for a day or two I was stuck. I spent half an hour reading different parts of the runtime that the process was touching. Nothing seemed to pop out at me.
New idea. I try to replicate the bug through brute force. I sshed
into 4 different servers, downloaded the files, and ran the program 40
times at once with rr
, on each machine. Eventually a few of
them crashed. Some crashed in similar ways, in well tested interpreter
code. Others crashed in different ways. The crash almost always happened
in a different place. Sometimes there was a nonsense backtrace, and
sometimes there wasn't. Sometime it crashed in Julia code, and sometimes
in C code. Often it crashed in external libraries. The bug was rare, I
would get a new trace to look through every 10 minutes or so. So, I'm
guessing the bug's reproduction rate was one in ten million or
Brute forcing it didn't give me the answer, but it did give me information.
Eventually, I got an rr
trace that seemed useful.
This led me to start reading the Julia garbage collector, and at last
the answer seemed obvious.
When Julia objects are allocated, they are never relocated. They stay there forever, until they are garbage collected or the process exits. Therefore, it is actually impossible that an object was written on top of another... unless the memory corruption happened in the garbage collector's allocator.
So, I set a breakpoint on jl_gc_alloc()
, and watched the pointers that came out of
the allocator. Sure enough, jl_gc_alloc()
returned the same
pointer twice before jl_gc_sweep()
. That is not supposed to
happen. The question remains, why is it happening?
When I descended deeper, I found that jl_gc_alloc()
just calls malloc()
, offsets the resulting pointer, and
does a bunch of bookkeeping to register the new object with the Julia
runtime. So, it was actually malloc()
that returned the
same thing twice.
... Excuse me, what?
I time traveled back and set a breakpoint on free()
Nope. It isn't freed. Libc just straight up returned the same pointer
twice. What? How does that happen?
Collecting myself, I noted that there was an extra call to
between the two calls to
. What is that?
When I time traveled to the next call and typed bt
once more into rr
, I saw that the call to
happened on a signal stack, inside a call to
. Suddenly, I knew exactly what the
bug was and where.
1. Linkers have the option to do "lazy loading", replacing calls to external
libraries with trampolines that load the library if its symbol cannot be
found in the Global Offset Table (GOT). This library loading and stashing
the symbol and offset in the GOT is roughly equivalent to a call to`dlopen()` and `dlsym()`.
2. `libunwind` relies on a dynamically linked and lazily loaded library to do
its backtraces.
3. `dlopen()` allocates memory for the library it loads using `malloc()`.
So does the lazy binding trampoline.
4. `dlsym()` does not allocate memory, it only returns a pointer inside
`dlopen()`. Same with the lazy binding trampoline,
the memory allocated by
as long as it can find the symbol in the GOT (the library has already
been loaded).
5. `malloc()` is not listed in `man signal-safety` as being `AS-Safe`.
6. Signal handlers can interrupt the current thread wherever it is, whenever
they want.
Most C programmers understand that the linker can do dynamic linking for you. Fewer understand lazy binding, and fewer have delved further into the C or ELF standards for the other information.
It is unsafe to call even AS-Safe functions from a signal handler, if the libraries they're from have not been loaded yet. If a library is dynamically loaded inside a signal handler, it may corrupt the allocator, which may crash the program. Or worse, like in this case, it might not.
Signal safety is a difficult topic for people wrap their heads
around. man signal-safety
is present, but doesn't do the
topic justice.
The short version of the signal safety rant is that if a function
is not on the list of allowed functions from
man signal-safety
, do not call it from a signal handler.
Even if you did not type the call yourself. If you do call something
that calls something not from that list, then understand it is undefined
behavior and that you are doing so at your own peril. It is also against
the rules to modify any shared global state, or risk the same sort of
This explanation is sufficient to avoid all issues with signal handlers, but is too restrictive, and so it is ignored. We want to be able to do interesting things in signal handlers, that's why they're there. So, in practice, we still have to understand the rules.
To understand why malloc()
is not signal safe, for
simplicity's sake suppose that it's implemented something like this. It
isn't implemented anything like this, but for the sake of argument,
pretend that it is.
void* freelist[FREELIST_SIZE];
size_t freelist_size = 0;
void free(void* p) {
[freelist_size++] = p;
void* malloc(size_t n) {
void* ret = freelist[freelist_size - 1];
return ret;
Suppose the thread pauses for the signal handler where I've left
the comment. In that circumstance, when the return value is decided and
the thread is paused before bookkeeping completes, you can see how
could return the same thing twice. The same sort
of thing happens inside glibc. It grabs a pointer from the freelist, but
doesn't completely erase the record of it before malloc()
is called again in the signal handler. Sometimes the allocator gets
completely corrupted, and sometimes it doesn't. It depends on the timing
of the signal, which is of course impossible to predict.
Four things make this bug particularly insidious.
First, the bug is not even in the code the programmer wrote. It's in code that the linker injected, in a completely different section of the project from where the crash happens.
Specifically, the crash happened inside of function dispatch inside of LLVM ORC JIT while compiling code that the runtime had not seen before. This was a massive red herring. LLVM had nothing to do with the bug, it was just the first thing that requested memory after the allocator was corrupted. Function dispatch is massively complicated, LLVM's JIT compiler is even more complicated, and none of them were the source of the issue.
Second, the code looks totally reasonable. People don't know they
are doing something unsafe by calling ostensibly signal-safe code from a
signal handler. The linker inserts a trampoline, and that's what calls
. Two hidden layers. Even if you know about one of
those, you may not know about the other.
Third, Julia is a ridiculously large project. Working on Julia
was the first time that I touched a codebase too large for any one
person to understand, and it changes too fast to keep up with. It's
enormously challenging to maintain a mental model of the entire project,
and even more challenging to know where to look for a bug when you don't
even have a mental model. So we are forced to rely on bug reports and
tools like rr
to help us.
Fourth, the bug is not reproducible. It only happens when the
backtrace signal handler is called during a call to
. That can happen basically anywhere. In the
original trace provided in the bug report, malloc()
did not
crash immediately, it just returned the same pointer twice. That
allocator's bookkeeping was overwritten, but that wasn't the cause of
the crash either.
The crash actually happened when the Julia object that was allocated was used. Since the same pointer was returned twice, there were two objects that were supposed to be distinct but had the same address. By coincidence, they were both allocated in the same place, and so they had the same type but were supposed to hold different data, which eventually led to the wrong function being called from a different julia object, a nonsense stack trace, and eventually a crash in function dispatch.
I should also note that without making the use of multiple high end servers with 40 threads and what I assume must be an ungodly amount of RAM, this bug would have been impossible to reproduce. I had to run the program millions of times before I could get a single crash, and many more times before I got a useful one.
The fix for this bug is simple. We just need to make sure that
the libraries and symbols are loaded, so that the call to
injected by the linker can never be executed. We
can, on the main thread before we install the signal handler, call
on the library so the symbols are in the Global
Offset Table, or just call a function from the library we want to load
as a no-op.
Honestly, I have no conclusions. I'd never seen a bug like this before, I've not seen any since, and I hope I never see a similar bug ever again.
I knew that something like this was possible, but it's the bug hunting equivalent of a Lovecraftian horror rising from the depths, only to be beaten back by a multinational coalition of sleep paralysis demons and Mr. Ouch from those warning signs on pad-mounted transformers. It's absurd, terrifying, and not something you expect to see in real life.
I want to stop thinking about this incident, but I can't. It's too interesting not to share. I have to write about it. Now that I'm no longer working on Julia full time and the blog post is written, hopefully we can put this bug to rest.
Happy debugging.